2019, 2019, and the onslaught of fiction continues as never before in
the history of mankind. The tide of books on the market somehow
rises higher, such that it is impossible for any reader to take in
even the majority, and evaluate the scene. This is all a long way of
saying, despite the eighteen books I did read published in 2019,
predominantly in the area of fantastika, I do not feel anywhere near
spitting distance to pronounce “the best”. Thus, what follows
must be taken as: “the best of what I read”. (For the best of
what I read in 2019, regardless of year of publishing, see here.)
always, there were books I wanted to get to, which may in turn have
influenced the titles below, including Paul Kearney’s The
Windscale Incident, Tim Powers’ More Walls Broken, and
Jeff VanderMeer’s Dead Astronauts, Neal Stephenson’s
Atmosphera Incognita, Lewis Shiner’s Outside the Gates of
Eden, Ian McDonald’s Menace from Farside, and Yoon Ha
Lee’s Hexarchate Stories. More importantly, due to the
flood on the market there inevitably a number of books that should
have been on my radar but weren’t, and will come to light once I
start reading trusted reviewers and critics’ lists from 2019.